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We provide hunts averaging 10% to 45% off available just ask we build hundreds of happy hunters in 28 states and Canada every year with Elk, Whitetail Deer, Mule Deer, Bear, Moose, sheep, exotics, and even hogs. All hunts subject to license availability and on a first come first serve basis. If you can't find what you are looking for please feel free to contact me Greg Merriam 303-776-7528
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Are You Moose Hunting Challenged
September marks the beginning of the rut for Maine’s moose. By Sept. 7 or 8, the big bulls have rubbed off their velvet. The smaller bulls may still have velvet for another week or so. Check out alder brush for fresh rakings. By Sept. 15, the big bulls will be making wallows, peeing in them and getting stinky. They’ll smell a lot more tolerable in October — but nowhere near as sexy.
This is the time of year many moose hunters drive the dirt roads looking over clear-cuts, especially those about 2 years old, which are loaded with nutritious food — and moose. The problem is, those same areas attract the most hunters. Finding a place with few humans can make all the difference.
Hunters win a lottery permit. Most come from the south, driving north, and hitting the closest area they come to, making the northern extremes of each zone much less crowded.
If you can get a bull tag in September, you may well call one in very close then. But many inexperienced moose hunters call wrong. They’re impatient. As a rule of thumb, if you’re in good moose country, you want to call from one spot about two hours. Bulls might come in from half a mile away and they move slowly.
There are four attractive calls:
•The cow call is the standard male attractant. It’s a long, loud, nasal moan that rises and falls.
•The estrous call imitating a hot cow consists of about four, very short, rising-and-falling moans. In September, you’ll do well to use just cow calls — unless a bull is “cowed up.” i.e., has one ready to mate with. Then it’s time to go to the two bull calls.
•The bull grunt sounds like five, quick, nasal-constipated vocalizations. The deeper the grunt, the larger and more intimidating the bull. Better to imitate a young, higher pitched bull so as not to scare off a decent bull that would otherwise come in.
•Lastly, is a cacophonous and percussive antler raking, easily imitated by striking bushes and saplings with a paddle.
You need to use these four calls in the right circumstances. If you have a lone bull to bring in, use the two cow calls. If you have a bull attending a hot cow, don’t use a cow call. She may well leave when hearing it and lure the big bull away with her. In that scenario, use a bull challenge call. Already having a hot cow, he will be very intolerant of a potential intruder and will likely try to approach you with the intention of driving off a competitor. When walking towards a bull attending a cow, make all the noise you want.
This is not whitetail hunting. Break branches, step on vegetation, rake the saplings as you walk forward. Just don’t ever let the moose smell you. Once he does, he’ll vanish immediately.
Choice of gun is exaggerated. Any 30 caliber rifle, a 270, 280, 7 mm mag, and even a 70:08 will work perfectly well with a well-placed double lung shot and a solid copper high retention bullet, like the Barnes Triple Shock, which doesn’t break up and lose energy. Shooting up a third from the belly right behind the shoulder should bring a bull down every time. Many hunters swear by shooting a foot down the hump. If you don’t make a mistake, the bull will crumple, but you can miss the spine and shoulder much more easily than the big lung target.
The hunt is going to cost you $4,000 to hire a guide who knows where they are and can get out the meat. He’ll spend a lot of money on his truck, fuel, winches and other heavy moving equipment.
That’s a bargain. But that’s if you win the lottery. Some people have waited 30 years and haven’t been selected. If you’ve got about $15,000, you can get a tag right away from outfitters who have bought them ahead of time with their special privilege.
Clothing is a problem. You’re going to be in wet areas. If you wear rubber boots — or even hip boots, you’ll be dryer — but you’ll have little support for your ankles, and will find them more uncomfortable after many hours of slogging through bogs.
Under-armour or other perspiration wicking underwear is essential. It will likely rain in September. Gore-tex can help because it’s breathable — but the product often fails under the worst conditions and has longevity problems.
All the moose guides I know in Newfoundland have given up on it for those reasons and gone to rubber, which is waterproof — but can get you soaked from the inside if you sweat too much. There can be a lot of putting on and taking off of clothing under varying weather conditions. It’s no wonder the good old boys like to shoot a moose close to the road from their vehicle — and that’s not just because it’s easier to pack out.
What’s the best time to go to call in a bull moose? Sept. 20 seems to perennially be the start of all hell breaking loose. From then to the beginning of October, should be the peak of the rut. That is, if you’re hunting Maine.
If you’re more north in Newfoundland, things start about a week later, and the first week of October will likely present the best calling responses.
Measuring a bull in the field is important for those who want a trophy. The experienced guides quickly learn that a bull’s head is a foot wide. You can easily estimate how many face-widths the antlers are spread to the side. Two face widths more of antler on each side would give you a 60-inch antler spread — an incredible trophy, the proportions more common in Alaska or the Yukon.
Some moose hunters will get licenses for October in Maine. The rut calling will be diminishing noticeably by then, and the bulls will have begun to actually group up together in small bachelor herds. This is a time to do mostly raking and bull grunts. They haven’t been hearing many cow calls at this time, so are less responsive to them.
Moose hunting takes great effort and expense. But the trophy rack of the biggest species of deer in the world, and the delicious beef-like meat make moose hunting irresistible for thousands who are heading north right now for the privilege.