Special Sale Hunts

Special Sale Hunts

Click on the 4 digit number to see the complete details of that particular hunt.
We provide hunts averaging 10% to 45% off available just ask we build hundreds of happy hunters in 28 states and Canada every year with Elk, Whitetail Deer, Mule Deer, Bear, Moose, Sheep, Exotics, and even Hogs. All hunts subject to license availability and on a first come first serve basis. If you can't find what you are looking for please feel free to contact me Greg Merriam 303-776-7528 , just click on this phone number to call or to email click here DeerElkBear@Gmail.com.

Since our Hunt's are sold at a discounted price they are limited in number and sell out quickly. We cannot guarantee or promise a hunt until they have paid the deposit with a credit card or check. In the case of a check the hunt isn't booked until we receive the check, and know that a called with a credit card deposit can move ahead while a check is in the mail. 
Available for a limited time and of a Limited Amount

9001-Wyoming Cow Elk Hunts for 2020 are Booked. 2021 $ 200 Security Deposit Payment via Credit Card OK'd

5053-Colorado  West Cow Elk hunts are Booked, 2021 $ 200 Security Deposit Payment via Credit Card OK'd

5150-Colorado East Cow Elk Hunts Booked 2021 $ 200 Security Deposit Payment via Credit Card OK'd

UTAH   *****
Quick Low Cost DIY Hunt that fills your Freezer with a Cow Elk from the alfalfa fields. This is a hunt that includes the Utah Landowner Voucher. Introduction with the rancher. Guiding is available above the low $1795 price. Hunts west of Grand Junction and Northwest Utah. Payment via Credit Card.
8063-UT-M-1800-CELK-RG2ESE Only 8 December-January Cow Elk Hunts Left. They won't last long.

NEBRASKA-Youth License $8 adult $265
Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer and Antelope available, rifle and Muzzleloader in NW Nebraska. Rifle maybe full but Muzzleloader and Archery are open for just a few more.
These licenses are unlimited and over the counter.

Semi-Guided Hunt with at DIY Prices, Great Whitetail Populations, 6 Different Farms, 100% Success, Corn, Alfafa, Large Windrows, Woodlots.

Trophy Whitetail Deer hunts over Corn and Beans, 100% success. Muzzleloader or Archery all of December at extremely discounted Rates. Or Special $300 license available for rifle season.

Hunt with your group on a 3000 acre Oklahoma far for Whitetail in the rut!!
7401-Oklahoma 3000 acre Ranch Whitetail Hunt, Lodging available.

Missouri-Youth License $8 adult $265

Private Farm hunting in Missouri with over the counter license durring the rut for whitetail in Missouri, or Iowa Zone 5, if you drew a license this year. 100% success, lots of Deer, 5 day hunt only $1695. If you would like to hunt Iowa next year get with me and I can get you in for a license in May and you can hunt my Iowa 10,000 acres.
4001- Missouri or Iowa Rut Whitetail hunt for this year in Missouri and Plan for Next year in Iowa.

Hunt the best farms in Ohio at the best prices in Ohio. Ohio has always been known for its continuous big bucks and high prices because of those bucks. Look at these limited hunts to get around the prices.

2600-Ohio Private Land archery, rifle and Muzzleloader as available.

2601-Ohio, Great 2 Deer limit, 1 buck and 1 Doe.

2610-Ohio How Big of a buck do you want? 160,170,180, 190, here is your guaranteed Wall hanger with deluxe lodging meals and lodging, guided 1 on 1. 

2611-Ohio, 2 Hunter Discounts.

Great Buys on Whitetail Hunts in multiple states on family farms ****************

A Great Freezer filler with a great Head and Cape that goes with the freezer full of Buffalo Meat. The best you will ever eat, no hormone, steroids', or injections, completely natural grasses in their huge belly. Season is from November 1 to February 28th. Buffalo are naturally healthy. The only thing that kills them is lead from a rifle held by someone that can shoot well. Processing is available close buy. You will work for your Buffalo on this hunt. 30.06 is the minimum rifle and a backup hunter is required in case things go south durring your hunt. Buffalo feel that they are at the top of the food chain. Each buffalo we hunt, learns that man is the top of the food chain.
7202-South Dakota, The best buy in a Freezer filler that you can ever hunt.

What's your pleasure? These hunts are discounted at unbelievable and still include a guide, Meals and Lodging! Hunt trophy Whitetail or a Buck and a doe discounted package for the freezer, with some very good bucks coming through durring the rut looking for the massive number of does in your area. Great "With the Guys Hunt" or a "Family Hunt."  Also the great hog hunting that Texas is famous for. If you are a waterfowl shooter ducks and geese. For the Dove or Quail hunter this is the place for you. There are even varmints hunts for Coyotes, Fox and some Bobcats. For the thrill seeker helicopter Hog hunter, the chopper lands right at the ranch and you will do a hunt that everyone needs to experience at least once in your life even if you have to raid your kids piggy bank(Loan Only) to try this with a AR-15, 30 round banana clips, or a shotgun, either way, ALL THE AMMO IS Free, so go heavy on the trigger and remember the Chopper is going faster than the Hog, so you put your lead about a foot behind their butt, then lay on the trigger. Don't worry about a smoking hot barrel, they cool quickly at a 60mph airspeed!

7001-Texas Hunting at its best, Whitetail, Hogs, Doves, Quail, Waterfowl, varmint, and the fantastic Helicopter hog hunt that is a once in a lifetime hunt with all the ammo you can shoot right next to you.
Allow Watchdog® to plan your hunts so you are successful in every Western State Draw you or we apply for you into. 90% chance for licenses in Difficult Units to draw. Click on the Link for more details.

5062-CO-G-N-ElkMdeerAntelope-R1AIGC-O1T-ACK1JGreat price 30,000 Acres
Semi-Guided, with a Guided touch. Spread out, in Timber, Aspens, Hayfields, wheat, willows and everything in between. Low altitude so the best time is the later seasons for Deer and Elk, Local herd for Archers or Muzzleloaders. Good Guided Antelope Hunting.

Hunt Antelope for only $ 1295 guided on private land a few vouchers available or it takes 1 point to draw a Antelope Buck License.
5061-CO-S-M-2000-003-ElkMDeerAntelope-A3IGCR-B1OG-YG3AR-20000 acres

Low cost elk Hunt with Guiding instructions from the cabin Owner that has hunted the area from many years for elk, Mule Deer and Turkey. He even has a meat processing room in the basement of the canin and will process your elk with you at no additional charge.ill process your elk for Free
5103-CO-S-C-1295-071-ElkMDeerBuffaloTurkey-RE3SDELO-CM-E1LM-Great low cost Elk hunt 

4-6 Hunters in a Cabin private and Public land Semi-Guided Low Price/ Cabin, 90 Private acres with ponds, and surrounded by miles and mile of elk infested National Forest.
5006-CO-S-L-ElkMDeerTurkey-URN4COLB-CL1B-A1ULP-DIY Dream 

Good place for large groups, hunters and non-hunters have lodging and meal options. 2nd and 3rd seasons are available for all 9 days of the season for only $1295 with the cabin.
5008-CO-S-C-ElkMDeer-CO-062-RO4SEMONT-O1K-IM1J-Cabin & Lodge Use

Elk from a Lodge or a Drive back into small cabin/tent, many options for the elk hunter at $1495
5025-CO-S-C-ElkMDeer-RANCO5LLB-CR1L-LA1NA-Deer Elk and Exotics

Drive where no one else can drive  into the middle of 20,000 acres of Public land, cabin, alfalfa
5032-CO-S-C-ElkMDeerAntelope-A1YL-LARRB-O1EJ-Walk into Deer, Elk and Antelope

Hunt on ATV's through many Prime Parcels Containing Elk, Cabin Lodging, Cook for Yourself
5073-CO-G-C-ElkMDeer-GJunction-PB-MSC2OTTTO-Many parcels of Land BOOKED

1 of a kind elk hunt in the elk migration, 2 story heated blind with a lower level to eat and sleep in,Discounted Hunt at only $1295 for a 3 day last half hunt.
5077-CO-S-C-ElkMDeerAntelope-CO-003-YBEL2LMA-VRY-YDB2O-Shooting House

Semi-Guided Mule Deer Hunt for 3 Draw License with 0 points, 4th Season Voucher and a Cow
5081-CO-S-C-MDeerElk-ERUS3HESP-O1AC-LE1NAE-DIY MDeer Good Price

Multiple ranchers catching the elk migrations with late season being the best. Only $1195 for a semi-guided Cow Elk hunt on Private Land or $895 as a second animal with a Buck or Bull.
5094-CO-S-C-ElkMDeerAntelope-AI2GCR-R1N-LV2INME-Great Semi-guided

Don't drive into elk ride on horseback for just 1 hour to get back where the elk are located.
5007-CO-G-M-ElkMDeerMooseSheepGoat-LO9NDIL-PO5G-LEN6NG-Great Hunt

5017-CO-G-T-4495-062-ElkMDeer-O4ODN4ORW-HS1E-RAD1B-Trophy Bucks
5029-CO-GS-T-ElkMDeer-ONITO3ANT-C2WS-A1MS-Good Success & Low Cost
5030-CO-GS-ElkMDeer-IELDB4AYF-TP2OP-EN1EG-Low Cost Drop Camps
5033-CO-GS-T-ElkMDeerBear-B5OJ-ELT6AD-I3MJ-Good Success Early Seasons
5036-CO-GS-T-Elk-E1EKERM-L1OA-U2CEBR-Muzzleloader and Rifle Hunting Area
5037-CO-GS-T-ElkMDeer-RAN6GODU-P4TP-E1N3EG-Low Cost Pack in Hunt
5039-CO-GS-T-1195-ElkDeerLionBear-CO-003-MBO4ATSTEA-O2SC-V2EDA-Elk and Lions
5050-CO-GS-T-ElkMDeerMooseBBear-RAN1BYG-WO1A-TE1VES-Quality Pack in Hunt
5066-CO-GS-T-ElkMDeer-LTO4NHAMI-R6S-EV3INK-Low Cost Pack in Hunt
5072-CO-GS-CT-1495-ElkMDeerBBear-ISONGU4NN-C1OW-R1ICE-Cabin and Packin
5075-CO-G-T-3495-006-ElkDeerBear-LD2ENWA-PO1N-M1IJ-Many Years of Guiding
5082-CO-GS-CT-3195-066-ElkMDeer-ERH4ORNPOWD-O1C-D2YCO-Trophy Area
Low Cost Pack In Elk Hunt, at $2495 add a cow No Charge, add a Trophy Buck No Charge
5110-CO-GD-TC-2495-081-ElkMDeer-M3OSAALA-OP-A1-FJ3EF-Good for Elk and Trophy Bucks

Colorado Ranching for Wildlife is a unique Program. No points required to be guided M&L on Private land and hunt elk in September and Deer In November with a rifle. Larger than normal animals are being taken due to increased age and improved Habitat. Although they usually book up a year in Advance so plan ahead and you can enjoy it but it can be pricey.

Big Bull Elk and large Bucks
5044-CO-G-C-5500- F1WR-ElkMDeerAlopeSheepLionBear-TCLIF3FEWES-DC7OS-O1MT-Good Elk and Deer 


Eurasian Ringneck Doves and Morning Doves, Turkey, Varmint, Prairie Dogs, Antelope, Deer
5089-CO-G-L-75-107-DovesPdogsTurkeyVarmint-RIBA7RRI-CC4OE-O7NR-European Doves

For the Trophy Hunter 180 Mule Deer Very Common and 85" Antelope available, Vouchers
5083-CO-G-L-4295-105-MDeerWDeerAntelopeElk-IO9WAK-C9OK-A1ND-Trophy Hunts Only

Limited in number but Unlimited in value and Flavor, the other Red Meat, all Organic, Health Food.
5040-CO-G-N-Buffalo-RS3BYE-2RBH-P3HRAL-Good Buffalo Hunt Good Meat Low Price

5101-CO-S-C-ElkDeerTurkey-JG-G1CZ-RYL3AR-Trophy Deer and Elk Lodging
5103-CO-S-C-ElkMDeerBuffaloTurkey-RE3SDELO-CM-E1LM-Great low cost Elk hunt
5004-CO-S-C-ElkMDeerAntelopeMooseSheepGoat-P7S-C8OC-OB9B-Camp on Ranch


4 Wheeler accessible Tent Camp hunt, private/public land, back in, great migration Coridor
5025-CO-S-C-ElkMDeer-RANCO5LLB-CR1L-LA1NA-Deer Elk and Exotics

Drive 5 Miles in the middle of 20,000 acres of walk-in to your Cabin and hunt, River, Alfalfa 
5032-CO-S-C-ElkMDeerAntelope-A1YL-LARRB-O1EJ-Walk into Deer, Elk and Antelope

Lease the season for you and your buddies and you will have the whole cabin and Land to yourself.
5054-CO-S-C--ElkMDeer-OODG5LENW-M1S-I1MT-Cabin with Private Land

5073-CO-G-C-ElkMDeer-GJunction-PB-MSC2OTTTO-Many parcels of Land

Low Impact Elk Hunt w/Deer. Later seasons the Best/ Shoot from House or Drive,Glass, Spot and Stalk
5077-CO-S-C--ElkMDeerAntelope-CO-003-YBEL2LMA-VRY-YDB2O-Shooting House

Great DIY/Semi-Guided Mule Deer Ranch W/Lodging, Deer mainly, but elk later, Live Water Source
5081-CO-S-C-MDeerElk-ERUS3HESP-O1AC-LE1NAE-DIY MDeer Good Price

5085-CO-G-C-5795-020-ElkMDeer-KE2PAR-P2OE-I2MT-Trophy Hunt
5094-CO-S-C-ElkMDeerAntelope-AI2GCR-R1N-LV2INME-Great Semi-guided
5098-CO-S-C-ElkMDeer-DGEW2AYRI-O1K-IM1J-Trophy Area
5105-CO-GD-CM-5500-082-ElkMDeerAntelope-Moffat-Palmer Outfitters-Brian-Low Impact Flat Land Hunts
5107-G-M-3495-140-ElkMDeerAntelope-TONRA-OT-IK1EM-Colorado and New Mexico

5007-CO-G-M-ElkMDeerMooseSheepGoat-LO9NDIL-PO5G-LEN6NG-Great Hunt

5022-CO-S-M-ElkMDeerAntelope-RA4IGC-R5S-N7DO-30,000 Acres

5024-CO-S-M-ElkMDeerAntelope-ENW8ALD-E6OB-E4LD-Good S-Guided

5031-CO-GS-T-ElkMDeer-RTE6ZCO-O8WE-IKE9M-4 on 1 Guided Low Cost

5043-CO-G-N-ElkMDeerBBearTurkey-NNIS2ONGU-O1J-O1YR-Many GMUs

5053-CO-G-M-ElkMDeerAntelope-N3ERMIL-OMH-MOT-Private Land Elk

5061-CO-S-M-ElkMDeerAntelope-A3IGCR-B1OG-YG3AR-20000 acres

5101-CO-S-C-ElkDeerTurkey-JG-G1CZ-RYL3AR-Trophy Deer and Elk Lodging

Good nDIY Hunt with Lodging, day guiding usually available if you need a jump start./ Game Pack out available as well
5074-CO-GS-L-ElkMDeer-ON2IAPA-TSMA3NHUN-1JB-Low Priced Cabin or Drop Camp

5088-S-C-1495-ElkMDeer-CO-066-WDERH2ORNPO-OM1M-OH1NJ-Trophy Area*dupe
5099-CO-S-C-ElkMDeer-RANC4OLB-R3HJ-THANJO5HNA-Great Elk & Deer Hunt

5107-G-M-3495-140-ElkMDeerAntelope-TONRA-OT-IK1EM-Colorado and New Mexico
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