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We provide hunts averaging 10% to 45% off available just ask we build hundreds of happy hunters in 28 states and Canada every year with Elk, Whitetail Deer, Mule Deer, Bear, Moose, sheep, exotics, and even hogs. All hunts subject to license availability and on a first come first serve basis. If you can't find what you are looking for please feel free to contact me Greg Merriam
Arkansas - No Discounted Hunts Available at this time.
- Turkey, Doves, Quail, Chukar and More
5 Ranches with Turkey, Doves, Quail, Chukar and More
3001-CA-G-L-2500-SE-HogsBuffaloExoticsBDeerAoudadBirdTurkeyVarmint-L1OSS-W2OB-YTONC3LA-Many Discounted Animals
Colorado Merriams Turkey, with some Ducks and Geese are available Here
Cabin, 80 acres of Private Land, with water surrounded by National Forest Merriams Turkey
5006-CO-S-L-995-421-ElkMDeerTurkey-URN4COLB-CL1B-A1ULP-DIY Dream
Hunt the Trophy Area for Mule Deer and Trophy Elk and Even for Turkey
5101-CO-S-C-1300-061-ElkDeerTurkey-JG-G1CZ-RYL3AR Trophy Elk and Mule Deer Lodging
Cabin and National Forest Merriams Turkey
5103-CO-S-C-1295-071-ElkMDeerBuffaloTurkey-RE3SDELO-CM-E1LM-Great low cost Elk hunt
A Cabin with a River of Ducks and Geese
5032-CO-S-C-1295-003-ElkMDeerAntelope-A1YL-LARRB-O1EJ-Walk into Deer, Elk and Antelope
Mountain Merriams Turkey
5018-CO-G-C-4000-077-ElkBBearMDeerTurkey-SA4PAGOS7NGSPRI-ANI4NDIE7RSUMM-I8CKR-Trophy Deer
Merriams Turkey and Good Lodging Option
5044-CO-G-C-5500- F1WR-ElkMDeerAlopeSheepLionBear-TCLIF3FEWES-DC7OS-O1MT-Good Elk and Deer
Turkey Hunting in Colorado
Wild Turkey Population
Merriam's and Rio Grande
Turkey Subspecies
Number of Licenses Sold Annually
Turkey tag plus habitat stamp.
Cost of Resident License and Permit
Turkey tag plus habitat stamp.
Cost of Non-Resident License and Permit
I've never hunted Colorado, but have flown there to chase Merriam Turkeys in nearby Nebraska. There's surely a story between the lines there.
In truth, Colorado turkey hunting is an opportunity to enjoy a Western experience chasing long- beards.
For the most part, sources say getting a tag is easy if Merriam's Turkeys are on your Slam list; however, if your goal is a Rio here, it can take several years to draw a tag for the river bottom regions of the Eastern plains.
As cost goes, Colorado is also affordable for both residents and non-residents alike.
You only have to buy a tag and habitat stamp to hunt; no general hunting license is required.
Most of the western portion of the state is National Forest, BLM and state lands.
As a result, finding a place to hunt with good populations is typically not a problem.
In fact, most Colorado Merriam's Turkeys live in these vast chunks of public ground and annually about 25 percent of hunters find success there.
For those lucky enough to chase Rios on the Eastern plains, success rates for turkey hunters are much higher, hovering around 50 to 75 percent.
How many turkeys are estimated to live in Colorado?
According to current data from the National Wild Turkey Federation, 27,000 Merriam's Turkeys and 3,500 Rio Grande turkeys are found here.
And to follow my lead point, not as many as Nebraska (around 145,000 roam there).
However, Colorado terrain can be physically demanding, which can make for a tough Merriam's Turkeys hunt. So there's that if you want a challenge.
The Merriam's Turkeys population lives in some rugged country; their nomadic traits can really spread them out and test your patience.
You can go for hours, even days, and not hear a gobble. The hunters who stick with it are usually the 25 percents.
Stan Baker, N.W.T.F. regional biologist, says: “Colorado ranks in the top two or three states as far as western turkey hunting is concerned, and I don’t think you can beat what it has to offer as far as opportunity goes.”
Baker points out no other western state holds the amount of over-the-counter units or public hunting opportunities; and when you consider the amount of birds living here, it’s an excellent place to take both a Merriam's Turkeys and Rio Grande wild turkey (assuming you draw the latter tag).
But wait, you want to hear about the white-tipped tail fans.
Merriam’s are Colorado’s prime species and are located west of Interstate 25, and along the southern portions of the Front Range.
Rios are also present but limited to the river bottom habitat of the Platte and Arkansas rivers, as well as other tributaries in the eastern portion of the state.
Season dates start in early April, so expect the possibility of snow . . .
And rain. And warm spring days. Weather is often unpredictable in Colorado.
Fun Fact: Without question, the best locations for the over-the-counter hunter to bag a Colorado Merriam's Turkeys are the Southwest and Western regions, and along the Southern Front Range. Top-producing counties include Archuleta, Delta, Garfield, Mesa and Yuma. Not only do the Southwest and Western regions boast the greatest density of Merriam's turkeys but it's also where public-land hunters find the highest success.