Antelope Caribou Hunts

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We provide hunts averaging 10% to 45% off available just ask we build hundreds of happy hunters in 28 states and Canada every year with Elk, Whitetail Deer, Mule Deer, Bear, Moose, sheep, exotics, and even hogs. All hunts subject to license availability and on a first come first serve basis. If you can't find what you are looking for please feel free to contact me Greg Merriam 303-776-7528
Since our Huntas are sold at a discounted price they are limited in number and sell out quickly. We cannot guarantee or promise a hunt until they have paid the deposit with a credit card or check. In the case of a check the hunt isn't booked until we receive the check, and know that a called with a credit card deposit can move ahead while a check is in the mail. Thank-you

British Columbia - No Discounted Hunts Available at this time. 

Alberta - No Discounted Hunts Available at this time.

Manitoba - No Discounted Hunts Available at this time. 

Saskatchewan - No Discounted Hunts Available at this time. 

Ontario - No Discounted Hunts Available at this time. 

New Brunswick - No Discounted Hunts Available at this time.

For the Caribou Grand Slam you need a Mountain Caribou and this is THE place to get one.

Yukon - No Discounted Hunts Available at this time.

Northwest Territories - No Discounted Hunts Available at this time.
5 Caribou Sub-Species and Methods for Hunting Them

In the minds of big game hunters, there is perhaps no greater icon of the Far North than the caribou. If you've ever dreamed of braving the last frontiers of North America in search of these tundra nomads, this three-part series will cover what you need to know. Part 1 will examine the distribution and ways of hunting the various sub-species, Part 2 will discuss the gear you need to hunt caribou, and Part 3 will tell you what to look for in a trophy bull.

The Boone and Crockett Club recognizes five sub-species of caribou for North American record-keeping purposes. Each is found in different areas of North America, and each has some unique characteristics and methods for hunting them.

Distribution and Hunting Methods  

Alaska-Yukon Barren Ground Caribou
Mountain Caribou
Quebec-Labrador Caribou
Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou
Woodland Caribou

Alaska-Yukon Barren Ground Caribou  

The Alaska-Yukon Barren Ground Caribou is the largest of the five sub-species. Phota via
The Alaska-Yukon barren ground caribou is found in Alaska and the northern half of Canada's Yukon Territory. Large herds of these caribou conduct an annual migration from their springtime calving grounds in Alaska near the Arctic Ocean, continuing south and east into the Yukon through the summer and fall, and back toward the ocean in late winter.

The largest of the five sub-species, in both body and antler, barren ground bulls can weigh several hundred pounds, or roughly the size of a bull elk, with cows usually weighing in at a bit more than half of that. Barren ground caribou carry the most impressive racks of all caribou, with long main beams and upwards of 20 to 30 points or more.

Alaska is about the only jurisdiction in the caribou's range that does not require non-resident caribou hunters to be accompanied by a guide or outfitter, and self-guided caribou hunts in Alaska are fairly popular with do-it-yourselfers. A fully-guided hunt, however, is recommended for anyone making their first trip to the land of the midnight sun and, at a cost of around $7,000, is one of the more affordable hunts in the Far North.

Although there is some drive-to caribou hunting to be found in both Alaska and the Yukon, most hunts, whether fully-guided or self-guided, are conducted by means of fly-in drop camps. Day-trips from camp on foot in search of bulls is the normal hunting method.

Most hunts are conducted starting in early August and run through to mid-October, with the animals becoming progressively more migratory as the season wears on. Some terrific fishing is also available in the early season and, depending upon the area, additional species such as black bear, grizzly bear, wolf, wolverine, moose, sheep, mountain goat and muskox, along with small game such as ptarmigan, may be available.

Check Out: In Alaska Peterson's Bristol Bay Outfitters, Deltana Outfitters (including self-guides hunts) and in Yukon, Bonnet Plume Outfitters.


Mountain Caribou  

Mountain caribou like higher elevations and rugged ridges. Photo via
These caribou are about the same body size as the Alaska-Yukon barren ground, with just slightly smaller antlers. They are found in the southern Yukon, the southwest corner of the Northwest Territories, British Columbia and even into western and northern Alberta.

These can be the most physically taxing of the sub-species of caribou to hunt, owing to their preference for higher elevations and rugged ridges. Seasons run from early August to mid-October, but bad weather can make access to the high country a problem late in the season. During the early season, however, access is by fly-in, horseback or even ATV.

In addition to being one of the most scenic caribou hunts going, mountain caribou also live in some of the best combo-hunt areas of North America, with much the same bonus species available as with Alaska-Yukon barren ground hunts, but with the addition of elk as well in B.C.

Check Out: In Yukon, Jim Shockey's Rogue River Outfitters; in Northwest Territories, Stan Stevens Mackenzie Mountain Outfitters; and in British Columbia, Collingwood Bros. Guides & Outfitters.


Quebec-Labrador Caribou  

CaribouBasics09 1
A mature caribou bull, such as this fine Quebec Labrador caribou, is an impressive trophy that will look great on your wall. Photo courtesy of Sabrina Cantafio
Two distinct, massive herds of Quebec-Labrador caribou totalling nearly 1,500,000 animals once roamed the tundra of Quebec and Labrador, migrating annually from the most northern areas bordering Hudson Bay and the Labrador Sea down to the forested regions to the south, and back. Numbers have dropped drastically in recent years, for reasons that are not entirely clear, and hunting of the George River herd is now suspended. The Leaf River herd, however, appears to have stabilized and still provides outstanding hunting.

These caribou are a bit smaller than mountain caribou, but they grow very impressive antlers. Although their racks tend to have fewer and smaller points than the previous sub-species we've looked at, they usually make up for that with wider spreads.

While there are some drive-to opportunities in the more southern areas, the local hunting pressure can be noticeable and the trophy quality tends to suffer. You are far better off booking with one of the reputable outfitters that have been operating in the northern region for decades. Fully-guided American Plan packages are available for around $7,000+, with a two caribou limit, although that limit may be changing to one animal in the future.

Much of this region is covered by water, and most permanent camps are established on large lakes. Much of the travelling is done by boat, which also makes getting your caribou back to camp a lot easier. Hunters and their guides typically set out from camp each morning by boat, and travel some distance before taking to shore when caribou are spotted or to glass inland areas.

While resting or feeding caribou can be stalked to within shooting range, no human can catch up to a migrating caribou headed straight away, especially given the rough, uneven terrain they call home. Although caribou off in the distance may not seem to be moving very fast, believe me, your only hope of getting a shot at a caribou on the move is to either sit in ambush near well-established water crossings or trails, or try to get in front and intercept it. But be warned: you have to decide fast if you are going to attempt it; think about it too long and it will be too late.

Although it is true throughout the caribou's range, the feast or famine reality of hunting these migratory animals is perhaps most true of the Quebec-Labrador caribou. As in all areas of the caribou's range, Quebec-Labrador caribou follow routes established over eons, but the timing and even the course of the migration can vary based on wind, weather and other factors unknown to man, and can even change dramatically some years. They can literally be here today and gone tomorrow, or you can go to bed one evening convinced that there isn't a caribou in the country, and wake up in the morning with thousands of caribou streaming past your camp. Nowhere else is there a greater possibility of witnessing the spectacle of a massive caribou migration. But it is also possible to experience a very tough hunt, with only a few stragglers around.

If you have booked with a reputable outfitter who keeps tabs on the herd's migration (data provided by the Quebec government based on satellite telemetry) and has mobile camps or established camps on active routes, your chances of success are high. Although you may get lucky and see hundreds of animals on such a trip, the migration in some areas is often more of a trickle than a steady stream. If you do time it right and catch the migration in full swing, a little bit of patience and restraint can pay dividends, as some of the best bulls tend to follow the main herd by a few days.

Hunts start in mid-August and usually end in late September. A couple of outfitters in Quebec offer November, post-rut hunts for majestic white-maned trophy bulls, often utilizing snowmobiles. Early season hunts offer bonus fishing opportunities, while black bears and wolves can often be taken for little or no extra charge during later hunts, and the ptarmigan hunting is usually fantastic.


Check Out: Ungava Adventures


Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou  

While small in size, the Central Canada Barren Ground Caribou carry impressive racks. Photo via
This sub-species is found throughout most of the Northwest Territories, including Baffin Island, as well as Nunavut and northern Manitoba. They are smaller than all but the woodland caribou, but carry impressive racks for their size.

Like the Quebec-Labrador variety, their range is littered with lakes and rivers of various sizes, making boats and float planes the most efficient way to travel. Their historic migration routes take them around or across these bodies of water, making these good locations to sit and glass. A number of quality outfitters operate in this vast region and offer hunts generally starting in the middle of August and ending at the end of September, with great fishing available in many areas if you tag out early. Hunt costs tend to run a bit higher than most of the other varieties of caribou, owing to the remoteness of the region. 

Woodland caribou have the smallest body of all sub-species.
The smallest in body and antler size of all of the caribou sub-species, woodland caribou are actually thinly scattered across much of Canada's north, but only on the island of Newfoundland are they taken in any significant numbers. There are several different herds on the island, and while some have experienced significant declines in recent years, good hunting is still available.

The habitat of these caribou tends to offer more available cover than all of the other sub-species, making spot-and-stalk bowhunting a particularly viable option. Hunts can run from August on into November. Due to reduced quotas, these hunts run about $7,500, but can be combined with a moose hunt, and success rates are high.

A Note on Caribou Meat

Caribou is one of the finest wild game meats you will ever eat. However, all of the North American sub-species of caribou breed in October, and the meat of large, rutting bulls can be so strong-tasting during this time as to be inedible, so an August or September hunt is necessary if you are looking to bring the meat home for the freezer.

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