Sportsman's Logistics LLC
Ohio Oklahoma Oregon all have only or predominent Whitetail Deer with Oregon even having the coastal Columbian Whitetail deer.
South Carolina and Tennesse have eastern whitetail Deer. A smaller subspecies that the Mid-West version in South dakota. Also they are hunted differently because the South Carolina and Tennesse is covered with thick terranin most hunting is done out of Blinds in a traditional whitetail fashion. In South Dakots the terrain is more open and many whitetail are taken by hunting Mule Deer style spot and stalk.
Ohio, Oklahoma both all have free ranging whitetail deer. All 3 states have high Fence whitetail Deer facilities.
Tenesse has whitetail and there are a few in Utah while most of the state is Mule Deer. The King is Texas with more whitetail Deer than any other state plus the highest deer density in the world is the Hill Country, of Texas. The natural wild subspecies is a smaller sized deer but Texans feed more protien pellets to deer than any other state. Texas is a verry strong supporter of deer hunting and guns. Just 1 trip hunting in Texas and you are hooked on the Lone Star State for your hunting future.
Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and South Carolina are eastern Whitetail free ranging whitetail states, and high fence states.
There is a reason why Canada has the largest average size Whitetail and Alberta has the highest number of Whitetail records in the record book. Whitetail deer are not as plentiful as they are in the lower 48 states, but they are available for good hunting. The reason for the size is that the winters are not and cold. There is a rule that states that animal in the northern parts must bulk up to be able to survive the long hard winters, while those in Southern Texas for example the bulk would cause them to over heat in the summer so thoes in southern, warmer regions tend to be smaller so that can dissipate heat more easily in the summer months.